Saturday, December 31, 2005

Electron Transport Chain

This chain has several steps. First NADH gives off an proton or H+. An electron is passed along the inner membrane. NADH then then becomes NAD+. The proton goes to the intermembrane space. FADH2 gives off a proton that goes into the intermembrane space. An electron is passed along the inner membrane again. The electron passes again as another proton goes into the intermembrane space. The elctron passes the inner membrane again. A proton goes into the intermembrane space. An O2 molecule in the matrix recieves the electron combined with a proton (H+) to make water. Protons go out of the intermebrane space through the protein channel. Then ADP turns into ATP.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Humans And Other Species

It is believed in the scientific world that the origin of life came from a L.U.C.A. Well, at least for the animal kingdom. Therefore, it is same to assume that someone animals have some similarities between them. For example: Humans are ninety-eight percent similiar to chimpanzees. For instance, humans have 23 chromosomes. Chimpanzees have 24 chromosomes. The reasons for this is chromosome 2 of the human genome. Chromosome 2 is particularly very large in size. This is because some where along the line two chromosomes combined together to form the big chromosome 2. Sure, it does not seem like humans and chimpanzees are related because of the outer looks. Chimpanzees are hairer, have a different shaped body, have different habits, and just look different. It seems that nothing is similar, but if u look at the genome of both races then you will not seem much difference. We are just that much alike and different.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Who Has Helped The Most Towards the Human Genome?

In my opinion Earasmus Darwin, a polymathic poet and physician, has significantly contributed the most for the Human Genome. Why? Well, he made a guess or conjecture if you will, about life being shaped with the same origin. An inference like that seems obvious, but people can sometimes over look these minor details. This obvious can sometimes be the answer to a part of an entity. The significance of the origin of life is very important. Everything began from there so why not take Darwin's conjecture in to consideration. This one little detail has established many thoughts and experiments that may not have been influenced by it, but involved in some unique way.