Saturday, December 31, 2005

Electron Transport Chain

This chain has several steps. First NADH gives off an proton or H+. An electron is passed along the inner membrane. NADH then then becomes NAD+. The proton goes to the intermembrane space. FADH2 gives off a proton that goes into the intermembrane space. An electron is passed along the inner membrane again. The electron passes again as another proton goes into the intermembrane space. The elctron passes the inner membrane again. A proton goes into the intermembrane space. An O2 molecule in the matrix recieves the electron combined with a proton (H+) to make water. Protons go out of the intermebrane space through the protein channel. Then ADP turns into ATP.


At 4:00 PM, Blogger DBSKLuv said...

i agree with you because you explained the process very clearly!
comment bac!!!


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