Saturday, June 03, 2006

What in your opinion is the greatest ecological threat currently facing mankind? How would you solve it?

The greatest ecological threat as of today on Earth is global warming. With global warming, there is an increasing in carbon and the melting of ice. Ice melting in Greenland and Antartica is not good. This is because the ocean level will increase. With the increase of ocean level, lands that are not high above sea level will be underwater. To solve this matter, I would try to be more efficient. This includes use energy saving lights and buy a hybrid car if i can. I would also try to plant more trees or grow some fruit and vegatables.


At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the ocean level will increase and some cities will sink. There are many problems and we can try to stop it by planting trees and using energy efficient appliances. The only problem is that we aren't really doing that right now, people are cutting down rain forests for their own interests and that is also a big factor in global warming.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said..., I'm getting confused with your blog format. I have so much trouble figuring out your previous entries. I remember the fingerprint entry, but it suddenly disappeared from the list. What's going on?!!!!!

Just curious, but have you planted more vegetables and fruits yet? I'd rather plant trees 'cause they give shade. Plus, I don't have to water them often. Just let the rain water do the work.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mankind have created Global Warming and they are no doing anything about it, but sitting there watching everything sink.. millions of people will die form it..i agree that this issue is the most imortant..Bush should stop the war and care more about the Global what if a cuple thousands die in that country and in ours before, Millions and Billions people will die now because of the Global Warming

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.


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