Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Why Is Fire Not Alive?

Yes, fire does do many things that living things. The problem is that there are somethings that it can't be. For example: Fire is not made of cells. Without cells living things would not be living things. In fact, that is why cells are the basic units of life. So how is it possible to be a living thing if this thing is not made of cells! This is why fire is not a living thing.

Why Did The Greeks Believe That Fire Is Alive?

The are various reasons why the Greeks could have thought that fire was alive. Fire makes waste like human beings. This is done by leaving smoke, a stinky smell, and burnt items behind. Fire also reproduces by multipling and expanding with fuel. The fuel that it expands on is its food. It also obtains energy this way. With this energy it can expand more. Fire also breathes because it needs oxygen to burn. Fire does many things that something alive would do. No wonder the greeks thought that fire was alive.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Cell City

A cell in many ways is like a city. The organelles that it contains work together like a city. The center of this city is the nucleus. The nucleus is the brain of the city. It contains most of the cell's DNA. You can also find chromatin in the nucleus. It has DNA connected with protein. The nucleus is surrounded by a nucleuar envelope. This protects the nucleus. Surrounding the nucleus is the endoplasmic reticulum. This is like the highways of the city. Within these highways there are ribosomes. The ribosomes are like cars on the highways. Ribosomes make proteins for the cell. My number three favorite are the golgi apparatus. They rock! They are like the mail men/women of a city. Cytoplasm is the best, but my second favorite. This gooey substances fills up some of the area around the nucleus. They work together like the people in the huge businesses or the small ones. Oh yes, my all time favorite, the mitochondria. The beautiful power house of the the city cell. It powers a cell like the electricity we have for a city. Now who can forget the hard workers who take the trash. These hard workers are the lysosomes of the cell. They have enzymes that they can breakdown the lipids and other stuff the cell needs. These are some of the ways that cells are like cities.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

How What We Eat Changes Our Body?

Americans today eat various types of food to their liking. The food consumed is not given a second thought unless this American has a habit of making second thoughts. With all the additives in the foods Americans eat we don't even realize that we should cut back on some of the food eaten. Why? This is because additives in a large amount is not good for the human body. Salt for example, is contained in soda, fried chicken, and other stuff like fries. Salt can cause cell too dry up. In order for the cell to maintain its condition, it must have more water. Therefore you consume more soda of something with salt.
The more of something you consume can change you. For example: You are a nice and healthy person. Your life suddenly turns upside down. You have an average pay job and is getting by. Soon, the foods you eat start changing from what you have eaten in the past. Mc Donalds is like you main food sources. A few months later you super healthy body has become like the average American. Not really healthy yet not really too sick. You decide to compare yourself to another your old self. WOW! You about 100lbs before, but now you are 220lbs. Well well, what happened you may ask. This is because of all the additives in the food you eat from Mc Donalds. What we eat does change our body.