Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Cell City

A cell in many ways is like a city. The organelles that it contains work together like a city. The center of this city is the nucleus. The nucleus is the brain of the city. It contains most of the cell's DNA. You can also find chromatin in the nucleus. It has DNA connected with protein. The nucleus is surrounded by a nucleuar envelope. This protects the nucleus. Surrounding the nucleus is the endoplasmic reticulum. This is like the highways of the city. Within these highways there are ribosomes. The ribosomes are like cars on the highways. Ribosomes make proteins for the cell. My number three favorite are the golgi apparatus. They rock! They are like the mail men/women of a city. Cytoplasm is the best, but my second favorite. This gooey substances fills up some of the area around the nucleus. They work together like the people in the huge businesses or the small ones. Oh yes, my all time favorite, the mitochondria. The beautiful power house of the the city cell. It powers a cell like the electricity we have for a city. Now who can forget the hard workers who take the trash. These hard workers are the lysosomes of the cell. They have enzymes that they can breakdown the lipids and other stuff the cell needs. These are some of the ways that cells are like cities.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger DBSKLuv said...


i very much agree with you the parts of the city match the parts of a cell.


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