Saturday, January 14, 2006

Changing Genetics of the Unborn (Yes/ No)

Recently, I have viewed a movie called Gattaca. This movie is set slightly in the far future. In this "future", changing the genes of an unborn child is possible. Therefore the child that is born with "picked genes" is the best of the parents. Is this really right though? Should our children's genes be "picked". My answer this for that is no. Whether a child is born dumb, smart, or anything; it will always be the child of the two parents that allowed this child to be born. Sure everyone wants a smart child, but changing genes is just not right. If every kid in this world was smart; would the world really be perfect? As the old saying says," Too much of something good is not good." Balance is important. For example: You put some sugar in your coffee. You take a sip. It tastes fine, but you believe that it can taste better with some lemon juice. You take a sip again. It tastes horrible. Well, if you had not add that bit of lemon juice; would it have tasted horrible? No matter how your child comes out it will still be your child. Your child will learn. So in the mean time, give your unborn child a break.