Sunday, October 30, 2005

Suprising Additives Should You Be Worried?

Did you realize that there are many additives in the food you eat? Well, let me tell you I was surprised! Out of all the additives I recognized, I did not realize that salt was something I was to cut back on. Salt is a very common additive. It can be found in soda or even Kirkland water! Water! I didn't know that water needed salt. I have learned that you are to cut back on salt. Salt can make you more thirstly so if you are no where near unsalty water well you better get near. This is also why when I drink soda I tend to want more. The more I drink the thirsty I am. I am now worried about the additive salt. I don't want to be consumed by it!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

You Are What You Eat

The things we eat today are very diverse. What you eat and how much you eat is what makes a part of you, you. Inside the food you eat, there contains many things that you may or may not know about. The starches that you consume contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a big part of our human diet. In the meats you eat, there are lipids that you store in your body for energy. Other then lipids, there are proteins in the meat you eat. Proteins help regulate cell processes. They can transport substances in and out of the cells. Proteins can also be used to make bone or repair tissues. Aside from lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, you also consume vitamins without knowing it. The milk you drinks contains vitamin A and D. Minerals are also other nutrients that you consume. Whole grains contain the mineral iron. That is why every time you eat your whole grains, you get iron. All these factors make up the foods that you eat. You are what you eat!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Properties Important to Humans

There are many things important to humans. Water and oxygen are the most important. Food is also important too. On a scale of 1-3, oxygen is 1, water is 2, and food is 3. Without oxygen humans would not be able to breathe. Without oxygen, humans would die! Now that we can breathe we must have water. A human's body is made of 80% water. When humans excercise, humans loose water through sweat. Water can also be lost by going to the restroom because humans have waste. If it is not replaced, well, that means bye bye! Finally, the last impotant property is food. The food humans going in life. Food sustains humans and is almost as important as water. This is because you will die first of dehydration. These properties are essential to human life. Therefore, humans cannot live without these properties.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Enzymes And Poisons

Enzymes are very unique little critters that are also called catalyst. They speed up chemical reactions. These critters are just like that extra rush of energy. If it were a chemical reaction for a poison; well, let's just hope that it is not in your body. Let us just say that it is in your body. What will happen? You will be poisoned, but since an enzyme is involved in this chemical reaction, the symtoms of the poison will come quickly. That is why you should be careful around poisonous items. The enzymes or partners in crime, will give you a very hard time. No MERCY! HA-HA-HA.......... I am evil......

Structure Of An Atom

The structure of an atom is very interesting. It can be in many variations that lead to life. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons; so atoms are neutral. Atoms are also like the basics. They help make elements.When an atom of an element have different numbers of neutrons; they are called isotopes. There are also atoms in compounds, but they are binded together by chemical bonds. This is possible because of the subatomi particles of the atom. If the structure of an atom was not like this, then elements like hydrogen would not be as it is today.